National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs
In order to improve the quality of China's scientific research and its international competitiveness, the International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs aim at creating and deepening cooperation opportunities, funding Chinese scientists to conduct substantial cooperation with their international collaborators in science frontier and take full advantage of international scientific and technological resources on the basis of "equal cooperation, mutual benefits, and equal sharing of results". 
The funding system of the International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs is currently comprised of Key International (Regional) Joint ResearchProgram, International (Regional) Joint Research and Exchange Programs funded under the Agreements/MoUs between NSFC and its foreign partners.
· Key International (Regional) Joint Research Program
The Key International (Regional) Joint Research Program gives priority to research in the following areas: the priority funding areas of NSFC, areas that China urgently needs to develop, international mega research projects and programs with Chinese participation, and utilizing large-scale scientific facilities abroad.
Researchers applying for this program shall, in accordance with the priority funding areas announced by relevant scientific departments in the Guide, choose innovative joint research subjects centering on major scientific issues, and clarify the necessity and complementarities of the cooperation.
For detailed requirements about the application, please contact us:
· International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs under Agreements/MoUs

Jointly organized and funded by NSFC and international science funding agencies (or research institutions and international organizations), the International (Regional)Cooperation and Exchange Programs under Agreements/MoUs support bilateral and multilateral joint research and academic exchanges between Chinese scientists and their partners.
The International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs under Agreements/MoUs consist of 2 types of programs: the Joint Research Program and the Exchange Program.
The Joint Research Program: In this category, NSFC and its international partners fund bilateral or multilateral joint research projects to support Chinese researchers and their partners to conduct basic research under the framework of cooperation agreements/MoUs.
The Exchange Program: This category aims at supporting Chinese researchers who have ongoing NSFC projects to participate in international cooperation and exchange activities to promote innovation, cultivate talents, and improve the development of disciplines and research quality of ongoing NSFC projects. The Exchange Program featured by mutual visits consists of Personnel Exchange Program and Academic Conference Program.
For detailed requirements about the application, please contact us:
Research Fund for International Scientists(RFIS)
Aiming at providing more research opportunities for and contributing to the career development of researchers at different academic stages, the Research Fund for International Scientists (hereinafter referred to as the RFIS) is set up by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) to support international scientists with foreign citizenship who are ready to conduct basic research in China’s mainland. The RFIS will also enhance the long-term, sustainable academic collaboration and exchange between Chinese and international scientists. 
For detailed requirements about the application, please contact us:
International Collaboration Fund for Creative Research Teams (ICFCRT)

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is launching a call for proposals of the International Collaboration Fund for Creative Research Teams (ICFCRT). The fund aims to enhance international scientific collaborations and support pioneering scientists with foreign citizenship to construct and lead research teams in China’s mainland and carry out creative basic research and applied basic research on self-selected topics within the funding scope of NSFC.
The ICFCRT, upgraded from the predecessor Pilot Group Program of the Research Fund for International Senior Scientists (PGP RFIS-III), continues to cultivate research teams to conduct research in the forefront of global scientific advancements with increased funding intensity.
For detailed requirements about the application, please contact us: