Researchers develop chest X-ray vision-language foundation model, MaCo, reducing the dependency on annotations while improving both clinical efficiency and diagnostic accuracy.09-30-2024
“As far as we know, this is the first study to apply a transformer-based model for the FCD lesion segmentation”, said Dr. XU, “our study promises to be a valuable tool for me...09-25-2024
In this study, researchers reported a competition-integration mechanism of space-time encoding in individual hippocampal neurons, providing an essential neural basis for underst...09-13-2024
In this study, the researchers systematically evaluated the proposed data-driven approach by employing synthetic data generated from classical ecological dynamical models and in...09-06-2024
Researchers revealed the essential role of lateral septum (LS) neurons in mediating anorectic and weight-lowering effects of the anti-obesity drug— liraglutide in mice.09-04-2024